NameSpeed Networking 3.0
Address37 Quebec Street, Guelph, ON
Categoryxxx DELETE xxx

GPN's most talked about event is making it's 3rd appearance. What is speed networking? It is a structured way to ensure that you are able to speak to everyone in the room...without the awkward entrances or exits. Each person will have 3 minutes to speak the person accross from them. Bell rings and you're on to the next one! We are limited to the space around the table which is 22 people and we always sell out so get your ticket fast. It's pizza and wine night at Miijidaa so we'll be sure to have some great selections for you to enjoy. Event Structure 5:00 - 5:15 Everyone gets situated 5:15 - 6:30 You'll have 3 minutes to connect with a professional and then move on to the next one/ 6:30 - 7:00 Open Networking, go find that person you wanted to learn more about!

Coordinates43.54552, -80.25060
Web address