NameProfit Warrior 101: Preparing Effective Monthly Sales and Cash Flow Forecasts
Address370 Stone Rd W, N1G 4V9, Guelph, ON
Categoryxxx DELETE xxx

Learn the best practices for building practical financial models for your startup or business. When you own a business--any business--what you don't know can really hurt you. This is why successful business owners estimate their expenses and cash inflows and review their budget on a very regular basis. If you want to take your business seriously you MUST know your numbers! This introductory seminar will have you starting to wrap your head around your finances. Each participant will receive a simple budgeting template (.xls) and we’ll walk you through how to use it step-by-step, so that you can create and maintain monthly sales and cash flow forecasts for your business. As your business grows, so does your financial risk, so start building good financial habits early and you'll be fine. What will I learn?• The importance of knowing your forecasted sales and expense numbers ongoing! How to avoid the unknown, surprises• The difference among fixed, variable, and discretionary expenses and techniques for estimating your future cash inflows• Understand the foundations of small business financial planning and create a realistic, manageable sales and financial plan for your business• How to be proactive and forecast your monthly sales and monthly cash flow using a simple excel template *Each attendee will receive a cash flow template Who should attend? • Entrepreneurs who are thinking of starting their own business and want to increase their chances of success• Those who have a clear idea of the business they want to start, the products and/or services they want to offer and the customers they plan to serve• The small business owner that may be struggling with their current business, want to understand how to manage their numbers and/or wish to bring it to a new level• Startups or small businesses who are struggling with cashflow and need more insight into how to resolve the ongoing issue Presenter: John Aarssen - Path 2 WealthDuration: 90-MinutesCost: FREE! Sponsored By: Staples / a2p+ / Path 2 Wealth

Coordinates43.51605, -80.23689
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