NameSyrian Led Cooking Workshop
Address23 Water Street North, Kitchener, ON
Categoryxxx DELETE xxx

Syrian Led Cooking Workshop Saturday February 24th, 2018 2pm - 6pm Join us for an afternoon of cooking workshops led by newcomer Syrian women, and support Kitchener’s emerging community kitchen to provide income generating opportunities for those facing barriers. Your ticket will include the opportunity to work in a small group, side by side with a Syrian woman, and learn through your hands-on participation how to make one traditional dish and dessert. You will also have the opportunity to learn each of the additional dishes by attending demonstrations also led by Syrian chefs, and collecting all of the recipes.

But don’t leave without joining us to eat the 2 meat and 2 vegan dishes, and dessert! And we will be sure to make enough so that you leave with a take out container so you can continue to savour your favourite dishes from the event (participants are welcome to bring a container from home or use one of ours). You are not just an honoured guest, but you are a student, a bridge builder, and a real ally of these Syrian women as they build independence, financial stability, and a new life. Tickets are available for a minimum of $40, but you are welcomed and encouraged to donate additional funds to support our project in hosting more of these events. The meal will be gluten free with 2 vegan options. If you will be eating exclusively vegan, please let us know when you register. Male gendered folks are welcome! For more information email:

***If all the tickets are sold, please contact the email address above to get put on the waiting list!

Coordinates43.45233, -80.49377
Web address