Name20th. Annual Rotary Club of Niagara Falls TRIVIA NIGHT
Address2525 Montrose Road, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Niagara Falls, ON
Categoryxxx DELETE xxx
DescriptionEveryone is Invited to Play to Win the $800 prize. Register now, Limited space! $35 per person, Teams of 8. 50/50 draw - Live Auction of various items - Great raffle and door prizes throughout the evening! Please join us for a Trivia night that is full of fun and helps the Rotary Club of Niagara Falls support organizations such as Pathstone, Breakfast programs, YMCA Strong Kids, Rotary Youth Exchange, End Polio Now Campaign, Wells of Haiti, Uganda Rabies Project, Shelter Box and many more in our local community! For Tickets, contact libby @ 905-380-2809 or . Facebook@rotaryclubofniagarafalls . Doors open at 6.0 pm ...
Coordinates43.04787, -79.13041
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