NameInfluential Journeys
Address627 Queens Quay W, Toronto, ON M5V 3G3, Canada
Categoryxxx DELETE xxx

TNC is excited to be hosting Influential Journeys, a dinner conversation for racialized staff at our agencies. This event is an opportunity for prospective and aspiring leaders to hear from a panel of leaders with lived experience on how they were able to overcome racial and cultural discrimination to set and achieve professional goals in the non-profit sector.

In addition to hearing about journeys to leadership, prospective and aspiring leaders in attendance will have an opportunity to informally exchange ideas and network. We hope this event inspires participants to review their own career development as well as motivate them to join us in advancing leadership development within our network.

Please note we can only accommodate two staff from each TNC agency. Please register by October 19.


Anna Kim works as the Civic Projects Coordinator for Agincourt Community Services Association and the coordinator for the Scarborough Civic Action Network (SCAN). She has worked in the non-profit sector for over 7 years supporting civic inclusion and integration for immigrants and also supporting community-based civic participation across the City of Toronto. With an M.A. in political philosophy from Queen"s University and an M.A. in immigration and settlement studies from Ryerson University and years of teaching experience, she finds it fulfilling to work in the community sector to influence actual practices and policies that foster real equity and inclusion.

Sipho Kwaku joined WoodGreen Community Services in 2002 as Director of Homelessness & Housing Help and Mental Health & Developmental Services. In 2004, he was appointed Director of Employment and Immigrant Services. In 1998, Sipho was initiated as a Rite of Passage Process Practitioner from the National Rites of Passage Institute. In 2007, Sipho introduced Rites of Passage into the programming components at WoodGreen. Sipho was born in Trinidad W.I. and was educated and trained in the United States and Canada in community economic development. Sipho holds a M.Sc. in Community Economic Development. Sipho is a member of the Toronto Sector Skills Academy, Class of 2016-17, one of several Workforce Leadership Academies in localities across North America.

Agnes Thomas is a lead community development practitioner and academic with a passion for community transformation and organizational change. She has been a long-term advocate for the rights of marginalized groups, locally and internationally, including people with (dis)abilities, precarious workers, immigrants, and women and children. Agnes strongly believes that everyone has something to offer and should be given the opportunity to participate and contribute. Agnes is committed in her leadership role to working with various stakeholders and funders to create a space for collaborative leadership for increased impact and action for change.

Agnes' areas of expertise include grass-roots level community organizing, governance policy, strategic planning, micro-enterprise, community-based research, immigration and settlement, and training-of-trainers tools in transformative learning and change for organizations and community builders. Agnes received her Ph.D. in Adult Education and Community Development from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE), University of Toronto. She is currently the executive Director of Catholic Cross Cultural Services that serves immigrant and refugee communities in various part of the GTA and beyond.

Coordinates43.63584, -79.39707
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