NameDesign+AI (16) with Elnaz Barshan
Address91 Oxford St, Toronto, ON M5T 1P2, Canada
Categoryxxx DELETE xxx

Join us for the design+AI (16) event, where we"ll explore the intersection of design and artificial intelligence among an intimate group of designers, anthropologists, technologists, mathematicians, and strategists.

This month we're excited to have Elnaz Barshan, an applied research scientist at Element AI who will be talking about Explainable AI; why do we need AI to explain itself and what are the properties of a "good" explanation.

Elnaz is an applied research scientist at Element AI working on the explainability group. Her background is in Machine Learning and Computer Vision. She did her PhD at University of Waterloo and her research has been focused on representation learning and regularizing deep networks for visual recognition.

We look forward to seeing you.

-Lindsay, on behalf of the Normative Team.


5:00-5:15pmn // mingle, nibble on snacks, and enjoy a signature design+AI cocktail

5:15-5:40pm // speaker talk, q&a

5:40-6:30pm // group discussion

About design+AI

Toronto is poised to become a hub for the fast-growing field of AI. Most of the current practitioner-level conversation is engineering-centric.

The goal of the design+AI meetup is to explore how AI is shaping experiences, and how we practise design in a future augmented with AI.

We will bring together an early community of practitioners and thought leaders to share our state of knowledge, learn together and faster, preempt disciplinary isolation, and create meaningful communication and collaboration across disciplines.

Join us at the Normative studio in Kensington Market for some drinks, light snacks and good conversation!

Coordinates43.65572, -79.40358
Web address