NameCommonwealth Speakers Series & AGM 2018
Address426 University Ave, Toronto, ON M5G 1S9, Canada
Categoryxxx DELETE xxx

As part of our ongoing Commonwealth Speakers Series, we are pleased to announce that Dr. Nicole Forrester will be our next guest speaker. The latest installment of the Commonwealth Games were held in Gold Coast, Australia, in April 2018. Before the Games commenced, Dr. Forrester penned an article titled "Why the Commonwealth Games still matter" for The Conversation, an independent source of news and views, from the academic and research community, delivered direct to the public.

Dr. Nicole Forrester is an Assistant Professor in the Sport Media program in the Ryerson University School of Media. Dr. Forrester"s scholarship centres on the psychology of sport and factors associated with high performance in super elite performers. In addition to Dr. Forrester"s scholarly pursuits, she is an Olympian, and an 8-Time Canadian Champion who has represented Canada on 20 national teams. She is a Commonwealth Games gold and bronze medalist, and a Pan American Games silver and bronze medalist. She is a member of the Athletics Commission for the Commonwealth Games Federation, a member of the Board of Directors with Commonwealth Games Canada and the Canadian Sport Institute Ontario, and serves as an Olympic Supporter with the Canadian Olympic Committee.

Coordinates43.65399, -79.38847
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