NameCultureCrew Boot Camp #3
Address1175 Queen St E, Toronto, ON M4M 1L5, Canada
Categoryxxx DELETE xxx

Our monthly boot camp is BACK!

Come join the FREE boot camp hosted by Culture Athletics. Get a sweat going with the crew!

If you've come out before, you know how we like to do it! If you haven't, here's some info below...

We meet at the store @6:45pm (sign waivers for new comers), then head to Greenwood park @7:00 for a circuit training program focusing on dynamic strength, speed and agility. Lead by our in-house personal trainers and yoga instructors.

The circuit will be a rotation of stations focusing on full-body strength, speed and agility. Consisting of a combination of body-weight, resistance and isometric exercises.

After the workout we're heading to The Radical Road Brewing Co. (next door) where the first pint is $5!!

We've got lockers for your stuff and water/refuel will be provided. The event starts and finishes at the store. If you feel like shopping, try to come a little early.

All strengths, skills and speeds welcome!

WEAR LAYERS! You may start a little cool, but we WILL make you SWEAT!


Questions? Give us a shout!

phone: (416) 465 6660


Instagram: @culture.athletics

Coordinates43.66255, -79.33252
Web address