NameTax Basics for Local Businesses - Accounting, HST, & Income Taxes
Address, Caledon, ON
Categoryxxx DELETE xxx

Taxes can eat up your time and money if you're not sure what to look for. Come learn simple ways to get through the tax season while keeping as much of your hard-earned money as possible! What will we be learning? Discover when and how to deal with accounting, HST, and income taxes. We will break down all three of these and reveal simple ways to manage them to maximize your finances. Who is teaching? Kimberley Milousis is CPA tax specialist turned essential oil entrepreneur and business mentor with a passion for supporting her local community.
What do I bring? Just bring yourself and even a friend if you want to! The event is totally free so you can just relax and enjoy the training and connect with the community.

Coordinates43.78930, -80.02011
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