NameWhen Should I Incorporate?
Address111 Farquhar Street, Guelph, ON
Categoryxxx DELETE xxx

When is it a good time to incorporate a business?Lawyers have ideas, and say 'ask an accountant.' Accountants have ideas, and say 'ask a lawyer.'In this ninety session, we will have both a local lawyer and accountant to discuss the legal and financial implications of incorporating a business.Here we will hear the major perspectives, be able to ask questions and get a more full understanding of when it's a good time to incorporate a business. Participants will have a chance to speak with our experts as a group and one on one, and brief networking time will follow. Meet our experts! Charles Davidson is a Guelph based lawyer specializing in problem evasion. A generalist by practice, he works with clients on any host of needs.
Keith McLaren, CPA is a well known accountant to the Guelph area who specializes in small businesses. Knowledgeable and insightful, Keith is a delight to work with and will keep books clean.
Celina Visser is a highly renound Insurance and Financial Advisor with the Cooperators who gets not just personal needs, but small business opportunities (and risk!). Based out of Guelph, she always welcomes conversation. Tim Campbell is the chief strategist with Relation Media, a social media and digital marketing company. Tim strives to bring people together in events and within the community to grow and learn.

Coordinates43.54505, -80.24523
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