Address10 King Street West, Kitchener, ON
Categoryxxx DELETE xxx

Rates: Early bird - $210 (Available until January 7, 2018) OMA Membership - $199 (Available until December 8th, 2017) Regular - $250 The Alternative Conference for Emerging Arts & Culture Professionals (#AltCon) provides stimulating thought leadership, personal growth and networking for emerging leaders in the museum, arts, and broader cultural sectors. Break loose from traditional conference norms, with a variety of session styles and topics at a reasonable (read: arts budget) price. For one and a half days, we’ll share ways to build your personal brand, cultivate your self-leadership, and ratchet up your self-advocacy skills. If we earn our keep, (oh, and we plan to) you’ll see the digital frontier through fresh eyes, and pick up creative techniques for engaging your colleagues and community in new ideas and experiences. And of course you’ll be rubbing elbows with new, like-minded people.

THEMUSEUM in downtown Kitchener is about ideas and experiences. We provide fresh, relevant, cultural content from around the globe in original, interactive ways at the intersection of art, science, culture and technology. We have a growing reputation as a cultural destination, and a playground for new ideas and inspired play. A team of ten emerging professionals in their 20’s and 30’s from across Canada came together to create #AltCon for emerging professionals. Now they’d like to meet you.

Coordinates43.45023, -80.48945
Web address