NameEarly Robotics and Programming (5-7 Y) 6 Sessions on Tuesdays 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Address600 Laurelwood Drive, Waterloo, ON
Categoryxxx DELETE xxx

One of our most popular programs, Early Robotics and Programming is intended for our junior technology lovers. Our course introduces the early beginners to the world of computer science and programming. Kids will learn or reinforce the basics concepts of programming, sequencing, estimation, problem-solving, and much more. We will use award winner resources like CODE STUDIO, EZ-robot, Code Monkey, Bee-Bot, KIBO, and LEGO to engage kids in the world of computing science.
The key learning values of the program are: 1. Exploring basic computational thinking principles such as sequencing, algorithm, loops, repeats, if statement 2. Investigating about sensors, technology, and robotics

3. Solving problems through design 4.
Working in teams and sharing findings

Coordinates43.47280, -80.59343
Web address