NameToronto Change Days 2018
Address6 Garamond Ct, North York, ON M3C 1Z5, Canada
CategoryWorkshop / Meetup

Toronto Change Days is not your traditional conference.

Based on the highly successful annual adventure of Berlin Change Days, Toronto Change Days emphasizes experiential learning over lecturing. We encourage our presenters to take risks, and to be highly creative and engaging. We encourage our participants to jump in, and be bold and daring in sharing their experiences and their desire to learn. We value human relationships and connection, and drop the sales pitches.

If you want to attend a conference that"s all about adding to your collection of anonymous business cards between sitting back and watching PowerPoint presentations, Toronto Change Days isn"t for you.

But if you are a change agent, a change disruptor or a change navigator who would love to meet a great group of dynamic people enthused and keen to learn about change, this is your kind of space!

Come and meet your change tribe!

The inaugural Toronto Change Days will explore how change professionals can be useful in a contemporary global environment of high disruption through the themes of "Agility", "Boundaries" and "Curiosity".

  • How do individuals and organisations acquire the agility to be responsive rather than reactive, adaptive rather than passive, and anticipatory rather than regressive?
  • How do we remove the barriers that inhibit successful development and restrict potential growth, while respecting the need for barriers to poorly conceived excess and exploitation?
  • How do we cultivate the curiosity - humankind"s most successful adaptation - to approach, and perceive, and boldly play with innovation for the best possible outcome for the future good of future generations?

Please join us for a brave and playful weekend of discovery, exploration, and relationship building towards becoming confident and progressive catalysts for change! See for more information ad a full line up of workshops


Friday November 16

  • 4pm Registration
  • 4.30pm Conference Begins
  • 8 pm Close for the Day

Saturday November 17

  • 9am Proceedings Begin
  • Workshops and learning activities all day
  • 5pm close for the day
  • 7pm - late: Social, Party and general fun!

Sunday November 18

  • 10 am Proceedings Begin
  • Morning Mashup and Open Space
  • Afternoon Curiosity Fest
  • 5pm Close and goodbyes

Food and refreshments will be provided throughout all days (a cash bar will be available on Saturday evening)

Additional 2 Day Deep Listening Masterclass with Holger Nauheimer Nov 19+20:

This is not just another conversation class. It is the masterclass for conversation artists.

Listening is the key for building relationships, for leading self, others, businesses and the world. Good listeners can prevent disasters or develop breakthrough innovations. A world full good listeners would be a better world.

We know intuitively that we can open the hearts of other people when we listen empathetically. And yet, we practice this skill only on the first date with a new mate.

We know that as leaders we can motivate people when we tap into their purpose. And yet we never ask for it.

We know that there would be less violence in the world if we strove to understand others better. And yet we rarely make the effort to get to the foundation of others.

How many seminars, trainings and workshops have you attended in which part of the content or the curriculum was dedicated to "better" listening? How often have heard somebody talking (including yourself) about "active listening"? Do you think that you don"t need another seminar on this topic?

What"s the result of all the training you received? Are you truly a good listener? In critical conversations, do you always apply your skills and knowledge? What about the significant others around you? Do you experience the people with whom you interact as good listeners? Do you think that they experience you as a good listener?

The truth is that few of us are master listeners. In the moment when we are being challenged our self-preservation and self-defence instincts take over, and we extinguish all that we have learned about listening. And yet listening is probably the most important skill a modern leader needs to master.

In our two days workshop you will go deeper than in any other listening workshop you have attended so far. You will:

  • become aware of your own listening patterns
  • learn strategies to calm down inner voices and focus on the conversation partner
  • explore different listening and questioning techniques for coaching and for leadership
  • experience how good listening can become the seed of a great conversation
  • experiment with different questioning techniques


Day 1 - Connecting to Self and the Other

  • The science of listening
  • The meaning of being present and how we can achieve this
  • Being still: the art of calming down your inner voices
  • Objectives: why do you want to listen after all?
  • Suspending judgements and assumptions
  • Be your own driver: switching your listening approach
  • Exploring: going deeper through asking great questions

Day 2 - Creating Meaning through Conversations

  • Slowing down and giving space for profound conversations
  • Dialogue: Listening to the field
  • Observing conversation patterns in groups
  • Facilitation skills: taking a meta position
  • Systemic and other questioning techniques
  • The difference between leadership, coaching and mentoring conversations
  • Developing practices for your listening skills

Your Facilitator: Holger Nauheimer

Holger Nauheimer is the founder and developer of the Change Days movement. He has hosted the Berlin Change Days for 10 years and helped to giving birth to the Toronto Change Days.

For 30 years, Holger has inspired the world of change management and organizational development. With hundreds of articles in the Internet, countless training programmes for leaders around the world and 10 years of hosting the Berlin Change Days, he has had an impact on many change practitioners. Likewise, in his work with large multi-national companies and global NGOs, he has supported the development of leadership and collaboration skills.

Holger"s philosophy and approach rests on strong shoulders: he studied with the masters. In particular, he takes his inspirations from Stephen Gilligan (Hypnotherapy and Trance), Robert Dilts (Generative Systems Work), Max Schupbach (Deep Democracy), Peggy Holman (Complexity), Juanita Brown, Marvin Weisbord and Sandra Janoff (Facilitation), David Cooperider (Positive Psychology), Harrison Owen (Open Space Technology) and many others. Based on these sources, he has developed a conversation model with which people can craft healthy and constructive work relationships.

He has expressed his philosophy on life and work in an interview.

This is the first time that Holger has given a facilitation and learning experience in Canada.

Coordinates43.72644, -79.33490
Web address