NameFive Good Ideas about inclusion and equity
Address20 Grosvenor St, Toronto, ON M4Y 2V5, Canada
Categoryxxx DELETE xxx

Five Good Ideas about addressing diversity in grassroots non-profit organizations

Maya Roy

In this Five Good Ideas session, Maya Roy will draw on her own frontline experience to talk about the benefits of addressing diversity in smaller, grassroots non-profits. She will offer five practical ideas around: 1) Participatory community development as a solid human resources strategy; 2) Online tools that can help upskill your team; 3) Intergenerational job sharing for team building and mentoring; 4) Job shadowing and management training in today"s changing environment; and 5) Challenges arising from today"s backlash against vulnerable communities.

Can't make it to the live event? You can join us online!

You can remotely access the presentation and participate in a virtual chat during the session on the Five Good Ideas webpage.

Livestream registration

Coordinates43.66329, -79.38504
Web address