NameMinto Farmers' Markets
Address83 Arthur St W, Harriston, ON N0G 1Z0, Canada
CategoryShopping / Farmers Markets / Antiques

"Fresh, Local, Real" Visit the Minto Farmers' Markets located in both Harriston & Palmerston. These markets feature 100% locally grown fruits and vegetables (organic and traditional), home baking, meat, cheese, maple syrup, preserves, spices, plants and unique artisan products. Special events are held each month at the Palmerston location.

Year Founded2009
Address83 Arthur St. W Harriston & 166 William St. Palmerston
Harriston & Palmerston, ON N0G 1Z0
ContactBelinda Wick-Graham
Opening Date03-Jun
Closing Date27-Aug
DaysFriday, Saturday
HoursFriday: 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM Saturday: 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Coordinates43.91096, -80.87390
Web addresshttp://