Name | Class: Overcoming the Top 25 Objections with Tina Gardin |
Address | 1673 Lakeshore Road E, Mississauga, ON |
Date | 2018-02-07 |
Time | 10:00:00 |
Category | xxx DELETE xxx |
Description | CLASS: OVERCOMING THE TOP 25 OBJECTIONS with Tina GardinHosted by: Tina GardinRequirements: You must be a current Sutton Quantum real estate agent.Maximum Seats: 8 ATTENDANCE:To avoid disruptions for the host, those attending and so that the session begins at the scheduled time, please arrive 5-10min early. If you need to cancel your registration please provide 24hrs+ notice. ... |
Coordinates | 43.51866, -79.62201 |
Web address | |