NameEntrepreneurship 101: Starting A Business
Address370 Stone Rd W, N1G 4V9, Guelph, ON
Categoryxxx DELETE xxx

Anatomy of a small business - explore the personal aspects of business ownership and what you need to get started! You have a passion, a skill and a dream to start your own business but don’t know where to start - sound familiar? Starting a business for the first time can be a very challenging experience, this introductory seminar is designed to give a basic understanding of what is involved with starting your first business, and how to begin the process of successful business ownership. It was crafted to help aspiring entrepreneurs assess their abilities to evaluating business ideas, developing a business plan, and exploring financing options. What will I learn?• The key things you need to know before starting and operating a successful business • A background to entrepreneurship and see how to practically apply important business concepts and increase your chances of entrepreneurial success• The key characteristics and best practices of successful business ownership and what it takes to start and run a thriving business • Why write a business plan and what are its many benefits• Market research, start-up costs, pricing & forecasting, cashflow, regulatory compliance, financing options along with necessary steps to get started *you will be provided with a list of available online resources to help you launch a new venture in Canada. Who should attend? • Those that have a new business idea and are interested in starting their own business• The small business owner that may be struggling with their current business and/or wish to bring it to a new level Presenter: Doug DaymondDuration: 90-MinutesCost: FREE!Sponsored By: Staples / Startwirth Inc.

Coordinates43.51605, -80.23689
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